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Links and Resources

In providing these links, MIReBA and its members do not endorse nor did they review the content of any particular website. The website descriptions are those provided by the websites.


A.M. Best A full-service credit rating organization dedicated to serving the financial services industries, including the banking and insurance sectors.


A.M. Best's Reinsurance Center AM Best Company ratings, news and research on the reinsurance insurance market.


ARIAS The AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society, ARIAS-U.S., is a not-for-profit corporation that promotes improvement of the insurance and reinsurance arbitration process for the international and domestic markets. Founded in 1994, ARIAS-U.S. provides initial training and continuing in-depth conferences and workshops in the skills necessary to serve effectively on an insurance/reinsurance arbitration panel. In addition, ARIAS-U.S. certifies a pool of qualified arbitrators and serves as a resource for parties involved in a dispute to find the appropriate persons to resolve the matter in a professional, knowledgeable and cost-effective manner.


Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters (CPCU) A community of credentialed property and casualty insurance professionals who promote excellence through ethical behavior and continuing education.




Global Reinsurance A news site for the insurance/reinsurance industry. Includes hourly updated news.


Guy Carpenter Glossary of Reinsurance Terms


Insurance Information Institute The mission of the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) is to improve public understanding of insurance -- what it does and how it works.


Intermediaries and Reinsurance Underwriters Association The IRU is a not-for-profit corporation, organized for the purposes of reinsurance education and research and the dissemination of information relevant to the reinsurance industry. - Your Resource for Risk and Insurance Solutions - Your Resource for Risk and Insurance Solutions IRMI states that its mission is to be the premier authority in providing expert advice and practical strategies for risk management, insurance, and legal professionals.


Massachusetts Division of Insurance The Division of Insurance (DOI) administers the laws of the Commonwealth as they pertain to the protection of the insurance consumer through the regulation of the insurance industry. The DOI monitors financial solvency, licenses insurance companies and producers, reviews and approves rates and forms, and coordinates the takeover and liquidation of insolvent insurance companies and the rehabilitation of financially troubled companies. It also investigates and enforces state laws and regulations pertaining to insurance and responds to consumer inquiries and complaints. The DOI provides the public with information regarding various types of insurance through this website and assorted publications.


National Association of Insurance Commissioners The mission of the NAIC is to assist state insurance regulators, individually and collectively, in serving the public interest and achieving the following fundamental insurance regulatory goals in a responsive, efficient and cost effective manner, consistent with the wishes of its members.


POST Online Post delivers paid-for, up to the minute hard-edged news, analysis and comment for UK general insurance professionals and has been the market's leading source for business-critical information since 1840.


Re Under 40s The U.S. Reinsurance Under 40s Group, Inc. ("Re Under 40s") was founded in January 2008 by a group of young professionals in the reinsurance industry. The primary aim of the group is to provide educational, social and networking opportunities for members of the reinsurance industry within the U.S.. The day-to-day affairs of Re Under 40s are run by board and committee members from a wide array of industry organizations.


Reinsurance Association of America (RAA) The Reinsurance Association of America (RAA), headquartered in Washington, D. C., is a national trade association established in 1968 to proactively influence and guide federal and state lawmakers, and international bodies, as they formulate and consider legislation that regulates the business environment in which the property and casualty reinsurance industry operates.


The Insurance and Reinsurance Report Timely Insurance and Reinsurance Law and News


The Reinsurance Association of America The Reinsurance Association of America is a non-profit trade association of reinsurers and reinsurance brokers. Established in 1968, the association is headquartered in Washington, D.C.


U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission The SEC is responsible for implementing a series of regulatory initiatives required under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

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