About Us
MIReBA is a young and vibrant organization, formed in January of 2009, and dedicated to the sharing of ideas to improve the reinsurance dispute resolution process and lower its cost, while promoting the education and collegiality of the reinsurance bar in Massachusetts. MIReBA has monthly meetings which include the discussion of key trends in the reinsurance business, recent decisions or legislation, and ongoing developments at insurance and reinsurance companies worldwide.
Officers and Contacts at MIReBA
Massachusetts Insurance and Reinsurance Bar Association
Katharin Unke Smith email
(617) 345-4726
Joseph Caffrey email
Morrison Mahoney
(617) 737-8894
Michael Collier email
Robins Kaplan
(617) 267-2300
Austin Moody email
White and Williams
(617) 748-5206
Michael Aylward email
(617) 439-7556
Michele Detherage email
(617) 951-4207
John T. Harding, Jr. email
(617) 830-7403
Kristin Suga Heres email
(781) 466-0732
James Kitces
(617) 859-2723
Wm. Gerald McElroy email
Zelle LLP
(781) 466-0706
Michael P. Mullins email
(617) 345-4776
John O'Neill email
(617) 830-7439
Jessica Park email
(617) 830-7436
Robert Whitney email
(617) 830-7402
Jonathan Zelig email
(617) 345-4601
Kaitlyn Leonard email
Mintz, Levin
(617) 542-6000
Become a Member of MIReBA
Regular Member
Membership in the Association shall be limited to attorneys (1) in good standing of the bar in any of the states, territories or possessions of the United States and (2) who devote a substantial amount of their professional time to the representation of insurance or reinsurance companies or the resolution of reinsurance disputes.
Associate Member
Associate membership in the Association shall be open to law students actively enrolled in a law school and to active, non-attorney employees of insurance or reinsurance companies.
Election to Membership
Election to membership is by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the Membership Committee which is charged with the responsibility of confirming that an applicant meets the qualifications for membership. Members shall be of high professional standing and of good moral character and shall strive to maintain and uphold a standard of honor and integrity that will reflect credit on the insurance and reinsurance industry and the Association. If a member ceases to meet the above qualifications, or fails to pay dues or assessments timely, membership in the Association shall be terminated by the Board of Directors by written notice to the member.
Annual Membership Fee
There is a nominal annual membership fee of $50 for all attorneys not associated with one of the sponsor law firms.
The membership fee is waived for all active employees of insurance or reinsurance companies and for law students (until the first anniversary of their admission to the bar).
For more information contact Membership Chair Seth Jackson at sjackson@zelle.com or (781) 466-0726.